May 28, 2013

Apple confirms that iOS 7 will be at the WWDC conference

I'm sure you all have heard countless rumors about apples iOS 7 that will be unveiled next month during the WWDC Conference. The conference will start with Apple's confirmation that they will lead the pack unveiling it's new design first. Jonathan Ive has completely changed the look of Scott Forstall's software most of us have become more than comfortable with.

So far what I've come to understand about the new design are more like the Windows phone than I would have ever thought Apple would come to a Windows product. The changes that are said to take place are features like flat icons that have individual colors, lose their shine, shadow and have flat white textures. In addition to the change of icons there are changes such as the linen and leather backgrounds of the calendar and Notification Center to go with once again a more flat look. Some wishes have been answered from jailbreakers like what sounds like an easy toggle for bluetooth, Wifi and airplane mode. We may even see a weather Widget show up in the new iOS as well. Even though there will be all these massive changes to the iOS looks the overall functionality of the device sounds like it will be the same all the changes will be for the most part cosmetic but that doesn't mean more wont change.

The general consensus is that the new iOS will release alongside the new iPhone this coming Fall with no official release date announced. Things could be getting more interesting when the look of what seems to be most of the Apple line up may be getting a revamp for this new iOS release. 

The thing we can all look forward to is with a brand new iOS releasing along with new hardware on the devices we can count on lots of bugs and an easy jailbreak for Apples new setup.

Are you ready for the new iOS? What do you think about the revamp?

May 21, 2013

Jailbreak your iDevice! IOS 6.0.1 - 6.1.2

 I've had my iPhone jailbroken using this method for a few months now and it is by far the easiest jailbreak method I've ever used. If you're familiar with my old videos I had to do two separate videos for the iPod touch 2G because there were multiple programs used and they were sketchy at best installing them LibUSB caused many problems to peoples computers when they didn't install it with administrative privileges.
Anyway here's the process to jailbreaking your iOS 6x device using the Evasi0n method.

First things first

Download Evasi0n software:


- MacOSX 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8
- Windows (XP minimum)
- Linux x86/x86_64 (Kernel >= 2.6.24, libgtk+-2.0 >= 2.24.13)

- iOS 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.1, 6.1.1, and 6.1.2.

  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 4S
  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 3Gs
  • iPad 4
  • iPad mini
  • iPad 3
  • iPad 2
  • iPod touch 5th Gen
  • iPod touch 4th Gen


1. Backup your device through apple before using evasi0n. If you need to fully reset you can restore data.

2. Disable the backup password as well as your lock screen password there have been issues if these are on during the jailbreak. After the jailbreak you can always add them again.

3. Launch evasi0n (pic below), plug in your device, and click "Jailbreak". This is by far the easiest part letting the software crack your device.
4. This may take awhile so leave your idevice alone grab a drink and let it do it's job don't touch your device if an apple message comes up.

5. This process is safe for your device but if it freezes go ahead and restart it hold down both the power and home buttons if necessary.

Seriously, it's that easy now enjoy your new jailbroken device

May 20, 2013

Troubleshooting walk through 6.0.1 - 6.1.2.

Welcome to the troubleshooting part of my blog I'll keep this post updated with issues that occur in IOS 6.0.1 - 6.1.2 to help you guys track down that tweak or app that causes your device to respring, crash or freeze hopefully help you guys cut down countless hours of troubleshooting.. I'll mainly post the tweaks and apps that usually cause problems.

Auxo - A memory leak occurs in this app causing your device to crash when the home button is double tapped.

Protube 2 - Uses the YouTube application as a primary but if you update your YouTube app you can find yourself having the app crash a lot.

Springtomize - This app can cause a few Issues so I'll walk you through them
Lockscreen Notification center - This tweak can cause a frozen lockscreen when the notification center is in  use.
Hidden slider tweak -Has the potential of keeping you from unlocking your device, If this happens restart your device and hold the volume up button.

Weather app - In iOS 6x a corrupted file makes the stock Weather app crash if you download iOS 6.x weather app fix it will replace only that one file allowing you to use the app again.

Winterboard - If you use a full theme on this app I'd recommend removing some tweaks you're not so fond of because this tweak will suck tons of memory making your device very very slow hope you brought a book!

Let me know what I missed I'll update with new info as I come across it!

Auxo and the double tap home crash

Auxo has a bad issue with using up extra memory, here's a way to fix that temporarily follow this video while I explain how and go into a good app called iCleaner.

May 18, 2013

Why Jailbreak Updated for IOS 6.0.1 - 6.1.2

Hey jailbreakers,

I thought I'd  update my old post on why you should jailbreak your device. Most of the information I would tell you is the same as before but there are some differences since my last post. 

What is Jailbreaking?
Jailbreaking is the act of accessing the root of a device that way you can put a third party product on the device allowing for a more open source for design, programs or use ability.

Here's some reasons why you should join the lot of us who jailbreak.

1. The whole jailbreak process takes less than ten minutes thanks to envasiOn unlike before when you had to install two programs, find the correct firmware, start the jailbreak process, and restart two or three times because something went wrong. Now all you have to do is download one program, put the device into DFU mode and the program does the rest.

2. Once again bricking your device and voiding the warranty are uncommon restoring the uncracked firmware fixes the warranty question and resetting DFU mode will allow you to restart the jailbreak.

3. Customization! Apple's idevices easily still have the market when it comes to smart devices so why do you want the outside and inside to look and function the same? Add some flair and personality.

After you jailbreak the world off possibilities is endless... Well you still can't make your phone turn into a transformer but aside from that it allows you to change the looks, add new exciting apps and software to your current device.

Some of my favorite apps and hacks for jailbroken devices are as follows:

1. Springtomize - this should be one of your starting points for your device it gives you lots of different options for your device: changing the carrier logo, adding more apps to the dock, lockscreen hacks, animations, Even adding a background to the incredibly bland NOtification center all among other little hacks and changes.

2. iFile $4 - allows you to access the root of your device to change apps manage old files and lots of other options. Warning: you can actually damage your system with this app so be aware of what you're getting into.

3. Camera Tweak $.99 - one of my favorite tweaks gives you a bunch of powerful functions in the stock camera app like time delay and multi-photo.

4. Pandora Downloader - I love music so naturally when I found this tweak to the pandora app I had to have it. This tweak gives you unlimited skips, removes ads. And allows you to download the song.

That's all the aps I'm going to promote for this post I tried to stay away from ones other people say all the time like Auxo and safari downloader. Any apps you recommend to fresh starters?

Thanks again for reading!

P.s. here's the Devs that allow us to enjoy the freedom of jailbreaking:

iPhone IOS 7 Jailbreak

Hey guys looks like Apple will be releasing their new IOS 7 sometime around September. Unfortunately for you guys who have the 4s device or later (or the 4 who don't want to go tethered) you'll have to wait till the next generation of IOS comes out to jailbreak your new device.

So what's to come of IOS 7? I've heard rumors of a new design which could be anything from an IOS with both Windows phone and Android features or a simpler design in other aspects. I believe apple should take a page or two out of the jailbreaker handbook and make a couple features more accessible as well as make some changes app wise. Here's my thoughts.

1. Hide apps
 It's no secret apple has put a few junk apps on everyone's device (newsstand, passbook, and their maps app) and most people have a junk folder because of it. So why not allow us to hide some apps we don't want to see.

2. Widgets
 Android has made lots of use of widgets on their devices and it's a nice touch to some degree, I'm not saying go overboard but would a weather widget be out of the question on the lockscreen or in the NC center?

3. System prefs shortcuts
 As jailbreakers we like things easier than apple has laid out for us we like our cake to not only to come to us but to be specially designed and come with a fork that feeds us. So why not add a couple quick access system controls in the notification center or one flick over from the volume control in the multi-tasking tray. Just toggles like airplane mode, wi-fi, bluetooth, and the backlight.

4. Active Dock
 This little hack on jailbroken devices is one of my favorite simple, but gives your device that extra flare. Seriously Apple you're already using it on your computers, just bring it to your other products.

Anyway that does it for my IOS 7 info for now tell me what you think, what should Apple do to their new IOS?
Finally, What do you guys want to see in this blog? More tutorials, more reviews. Let me know if there's something you want to see or know more about.

May 17, 2013

Adding music to your music library?

This is a simple task when you have all the music on your computer in iTunes and you want to add it to your library but what if you have a jailbroken device and another app to download songs like Music box or Pandora Downloader, adding music from that library to your Music app is Impossible, right? Wrong...

As you can see I have the song 100 Years on Pandora Downloader I'll show you how to put that in your regular library so you don't have to keep changing libraries.

First, you'll need a client to download songs my two favorite are Pandora Downloader because it gives me unlimited skips, no ads, and the ability to download off Pandora. My second favorite is Music Box it allows me to find specific songs that I haven't been able to find anywhere else.

Second, you'll need the app Bridge if you have the Protube hack on your iPhone you'll probably already have this if not download both of those apps now off Cydia now.

Ok so you have Bridge and your client app now what?

Open Bridge and at the bottom it says "Files" go there you'll now be in your iPhone directory files find the media that you want to add to your Music library if you have used Pandora Downloader the directory you want to find is: /private/var/mobile/Media/Pandora
if you're using Music Box just go: /private/var/mobile/Library
Select the song which for me appears at the top of the list, it will then make you input some information about the song and if you want to import it as a song, ringtone or podcast.

Finally just hit the Import button and you'll get a conformation popup "Finished importing The file was successfully imported!"

Congratulations! Now you don't have to switch between music libraries when you want to hear your music. This method works for videos as well so go nuts! 

Oh Yeah and support your local artists if you like their music!

Movies for free?

Movie must have? Check out Movie Box on Jailbroken Devices seriously best app ever it's like Netflix, and Hulu had a baby and this baby is free. Only one small ad at the bottom of the app but you get movies, TV and some Music Videos all for no cash out of your pocket. I've been watching my favorite TV shows the day after they air (yeah they update it that fast). I almost forgot to mention you can download any movie and TV show right off the app and save it for later watching when you have no internet connection (any flights coming up?) I'm more pleased with this app than I am with Netflix and I've been using that service since 2006. Download it you wont be displeased.
If you like that app check out Music Box same company (obviously) but any songs you want right then? I've found some songs of my favorite Aussie Hip-Hop artists I haven't been anywhere else (I wonder why... Hmmmm) Seriously another app you wont hate me for if you download.